Friday, May 15, 2009

Bob's Blogs

We can't have a black man for president...

become a correspondent on my blog After you write an article call Bob Stevens (641–715-3900, ext 50926) or e-mail him at He can put your articles on the blog.

Not being a woman myself,

Not being a woman myself,
Not being a woman myself, and therefor not a "gatekeeper of life", I'm not sure what my options are in my current situation. You see, I had this really annoying neighbor. I didn't chose this person, and in fact, I tried really hard to not have an annoying neighbor. But, unfortunately, it came to pass and now I'm left pondering over my decision. I just didn't think I was ready for this. I mean, just one crazy night, I got a little stoned at a party and things got away from me- next thing I know, this "person" is living next door. So, I terminated him. Does anyone have any books, or walls, or websites for people like me? I'm feeling just a smidge guilty about the whole thing and I think hearing about others who went on to relish in the termination of their neighbor(s) might make me feel much better about my decision... For anyone suffering over choice(s) made in the past, I wholly sympathize and sincerely apologize for the satire. But frankly, this article is the lowest form of self-righteous drivel. She's actually offering "hooray for you" information rather than helpful counseling! Appalling...
Submitted by Bob in MD on April 13, 2009 - 9:52pm.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fill's Other Blogs,

"the more scientific of his 9 blogs"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Filll and his IDCab goons were in the business of ruining the lives of scientists and academics.

The Wikipedia ArbCom guy posts his second article in a weeklong series today. It begins at the halfway mark on this page:

He talks about how Wikipedia articles invade the privacy of otherwise little known people and ruin their lives.

Here is a link to just the second article, plus comments:

the real / Filll

nominated for Wikipedia Drama Queen:

"I'm an Asshole"

dragging people through the mud...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I never signed up to be an Internet movie star.

The Ring of the Neener Bomb
Resurrection Hackware

Barsoom Tork - Jun 24, 2008 7:43 pm (#1 of 8)
The Final Absolution

Drama Theory

Montana Mouse - Jun 15, 2008 10:21 am (#2356 of 2369)
I never signed up to be an Internet movie star.
Previously, Schadenfreude Theatre presented a pair of seemingly unrelated operas, one entitled Fear and Loathing in Lost Vagueness and one entitled No One Expects the Spammish Inquisition!. These were in addition to another Soap Opera entitled, Bildungsroman in the Age of Character Assassination, which featured Bela, Klaatu, Moulton, and a variety of walk-on cameos by various and sundry characters from the Original ATI/RI/PDR Soap Opera which Bela kicked off some five years ago.

Now the third opera in the Ring of the Neener Bomb is getting underway at the English Wikipedia. This one is tentatively called The Final Absolution and promises to have considerably better music than that previously provided by Barsoom Tork Associates.

To kick things off, a Wikipedian who goes by the name of Filll has posed the following invitation:

How about you start with this, and then answer my 8 questions?
The reference to the starting point is a scathing Indictment of Moulton lodged by another prominent Wikipedian, an admin who goes by the name of FeloniousMonk.

Friday, May 1, 2009